While the villa originally traces its origins to the 14th century, annexes and structures have been added to it in the 16th as well as the 19th century. Situated atop a hill with panoramic views, the villa consists of three buildings made of blond stone. The property is surrounded by acres of arable land, woodland, orchards, olive trees and a vineyard. Covered parking for eight cars. Fully renovated in 2008.
At a glance:
-Interior: 1.030 sqm
-Exterior: 33 acres
-Bedrooms and apartments: 8
-Swimming pool
-Scenic mountain trails
-Presently a boutique hotel
-Closest airport: Perugia 58km
Real estate: $4.500.000
For questions or in order to arrange a viewing, please contact Miss Guelmami at 0043 676 40 60 310 or at
More real estate can be found at www stadtquartier at
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